6월, 2021의 게시물 표시

Raspberry Pi USB Web Cam Streaming

 https://remover.tistory.com/89 https://github.com/kianms10310/DoorLock

How to use a WiFi interface on Linux Systems

 https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse How to use a WiFi interface This page describes how to configure a WiFi interface on a Debian system, for use on a network. Once your wireless device has an interface available (verifiable by running "ip link show"), it is required to be configured to access a network. If you do not have a wireless interface present, please refer to  WiFi  for information on obtaining a driver, or the necessary firmware for your device. Wireless network interface configuration requires a backend, generally  wpa_supplicant (often in conjunction with ifupdown and other utilities) or IWD.  These can be used with connection managers that provide advanced functionality,  and an easier way to configure them. Examples of these would generally be  NetworkManager ,  ConnMan, systemd-networkd, and Wicd.  The  WEP  algorithm is insecure and deprecated by  WPA . Use of WEP is  not recommended  and is not cov...