10월, 2021의 게시물 표시

Change swap size in Ubuntu 18.04 or newer

https://bogdancornianu.com/change-swap-size-in-ubuntu/ Change swap size in Ubuntu 18.04 or newer Posted  on  August 11, 2018   by  Bogdan Cornianu   /  49 Comments [Updated July 26, 2020]: Change swapfile permission; Set swapfile in /etc/fstab. Swap is a special area on your computer, which the operating system can use as additional RAM. Starting with Ubuntu 17.04, the swap partition was replaced by a swap file. The main advantage of the swap file is easy resizing. Note:  before running the following commands, please make sure you have a backup of your data! In the following example, we’ll extend the swap space available in the /swapfile from 4 GB to 8 GB. Turn off all swap processes 1 sudo swapoff -a 2. Resize the swap 1 sudo dd if = /dev/zero of= /swapfile bs=1G count=8 if = input file of = output file bs = block size count = multiplier of blocks 3. Change permission 1 sudo chmod 600 /swapfile 4. Make the file usable as swap 1 sudo mkswap /sw...

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